A writer turned product designer from the East and lives in the West.

Writer turned Product Designer from the East and living in the West. 

Writer turned Product Designer from the East and living in the West.  

Writer turned Product Designer from the East and living in the West.

Writer turned Product Designer from the East and living in the West.


Everyone has a story to tell

I love reading and sharing stories ever since I was a kid

Before becoming a designer, I interviewed and published 80+ exclusive stories of world-famous musicians and arts organization CEOs. I also helped launch Chinese social media from 0 to 1 for multiple international arts organizations. 

The creation of my own story

A 90-year human life can be summarized on an A4 paper

After telling the stories of so many other people, I was eager to tell my own. In my twenties, I took a leap of faith and moved to New York City alone, ultimately leading me to pursue a career as a product designer. Throughout the ups and downs of my journey, I transformed my experiences into my first book.


I  wrote and published a book about my life stories, which span from Shanghai to New York. The book chronicles my journey from being a music journalist and arts writer to a product designer.

When the dots were connected

"You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future." — Steve Jobs

On my journey to becoming a better designer, I have been fortunate to meet many warm-hearted designers. I began sharing what I learned with the design community to continue spreading positive energy. 

In 2023, I was invited to write a weekly newsletter for the Case Study Club and began supporting the growth of over 31k product designers. The pieces of the puzzle have come together.


Story yet to be told

Design is about creating a better future for people

We are living in an era of rapid change. While technology has made significant advancements in the past decade, many fundamental problems remain unsolved.

With the rapid growth of AI, I believe product designers will play a crucial role in balancing the needs of businesses and users, advancing technology, and shaping the future of humanity.

I want to combine my interests in AI with my insight as a product designer to contribute to the progress of humanity.

To be continued...


I'd love to create something wonderful with you, say hi.

Thank you for visiting my portfolio. Have ideas? Suggestions? 

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Thank you for visiting my portfolio. Have ideas? Suggestions?

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© Eva Yu 2023