UX designer of one

June 13, 2023
2 min read

Many articles discuss the pros and cons of being a solo UX designer and offer good advice on how to succeed in this role. Here I will share some thoughts based on my own experience as a solo designer at a startup and as a freelancer.

Focus on building your T-shape skills

Many new designers and career changers avoid working as solo designers because they feel they are not yet prepared to make all the design decisions themselves.

This is true, but if the company hired you, that means they trust you.

As the only design expert, you have the best opportunity to formulate your own design process and develop your end-to-end design skills.

It could be overwhelming, but gaining hands-on experience in the entire design process will make you a powerful designer and a valuable collaborator.

If this is your first design role, focus on the horizontal line of the T-shape skills, and don’t be afraid to venture beyond. This experience will support you in the long run.

The emergence of independent creators

Being a “UX designer of one” is not just for junior designers trying to break into the industry.

In fact, it is becoming more common as experienced designers want to pursue side projects and start their own design businesses.

Building skills as a solo designer on side projects will prepare you well for the future creator economy.

Since you are only one person, it's crucial to strategically balance your design efforts and your impact on the company.

This will train you to view the design from a business perspective and see yourself as a product or service.

You can also start to figure out your niche—the vertical line of the T-shaped skills. Understanding your strengths will help you stand out from the crowd.

Thanks for reading 🍵